Acupuncture treatment is one of the oldest healing modalities in the world. In traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture is rooted in the belief that disease is caused by disruptions to the flow of energy, or qi, in our body. Acupuncturists insert hair-thin needles to specific acupuncture points throughout the body to restore the flow of qi, balance the body’s energy, stimulate healing, and promote relaxation.
Acupuncture has many benefits for a wide variety of diseases and conditions and is recognized by the National Institute of Health (NIH) and the World Health Organization (WHO) to be effective in the treatment of a wide variety of conditions. Among the many conditions treated, Acupuncture has long been recognized as an effective treatment for chronic pain including back and neck pain, osteoarthritis, chronic headache or shoulder pain. In one of the largest studies to date on acupuncture and chronic pain, acupuncture was found to be effective for treating chronic pain.
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