Massage therapy is a wonderful way to reduce stress and promote overall wellness. During pregnancy, many women experience backaches, stiff neck, leg cramps, headaches and edema (or swelling). Prenatal Massage with Acupuncture and Cupping will relieve many of the normal discomforts experienced during pregnancy.
Massage for pregnant women also reduces stress on weight-bearing joints. Encouraging blood and lymph circulation helps to relax nervous tension, aiding in better sleep. This also relieves depression or anxiety caused by hormonal changes.
Suggestion: $150/for 60 minutes every week in 2nd trimester
We take extra care to ensure our patients are comfortable. Sideline positioning and supportive soft cushions alleviate any extra strain on the lower back and pelvic areas. Therefore, we avoid any potential discomfort when the pressure of massage techniques are applied.
In the 2nd trimester, you may prefer to lie on your back with a small, cushioned wedge placed under one hip to provide a slight elevation. Depending on where you are in your pregnancy, we may utilize such massage different techniques. Meanwhile, Meridian Channel Massage, Reflexology, Swedish massage and other techniques may be added to address your specific requests and needs.
Our prenatal massage offers a number of benefits. Also, other oriental medicine techniques such as acupuncture, cupping, herbal medicine, lifestyle and medicine may be beneficial. We may combine treatments that will address your specific requests and needs.
Muscle tension, fatigue, backaches, leg cramps and swelling/edema are classic symptoms during pregnancy. The extra weight of a baby can be relieved by encouraging blood flow to the afflicted areas. For instance, headaches can be relieved by massage focusing on the head, neck and shoulders. In addition, maintaining optimal levels of stress relief reduces the chance of migraines or tension headaches. Furthermore, providing relief allows more nutrient-rich oxygen and increases the flow of lymphatic fluid. This results in the sweeping away of toxins and metabolic waste.
While a massage can’t promise that your newborn will sleep through the night, it can provide you with a better night’s sleep both during pregnancy and afterwards. Additionally, massage therapy not only helps diminish anxiety and discomfort but boosts relaxation as well. Moreover, this leads to improved sleep patterns.
Massage stimulates the release of serotonin, your body’s natural anti-pain chemical. Serotonin, endorphins and dopamine released by your body during massage provides an extra helping of those natural chemicals. “Massage is very effective at increasing deep sleep,” says Touch Research Institute director Dr. Tiffany Field.
Women with normal, low-risk pregnancies can benefit greatly from the prenatal massage techniques offered by Monterey Acupuncture.
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