Cancer Treatment Support
- Patients with cancer who suffer extreme weakness and deficiency and cannot withstand surgery or chemotherapy and radiation treatments
- Late stage, terminally-ill cancer patients with pain and suffering
- Maintenance and preventative cancer treatment to be used at the conclusion of chemotherapy and radiation treatments
- Immunostimulant effect to boost white blood cells
- Hematopoietic function to increase red blood cells
- Antineoplastic activity to suppress cancer cells
- Antiangiogenic property to inhibit tumor growth, invasion, and metastasis
Clears heat , Eliminates toxins, Tonifies the underlying deficiencies (qi, blood, yin and yang)
1. Accupuncture Treatment: 2 times/week until recovery
2. Oncology massage: 2times/week until recovery
3. Herbal Medicine
4. Dietary Food
5. Life Style Practice
Traditional Points for Cancer Treatment Support:
- Zusanli (ST 36)
- Patients in many cases are too weak to receive acupuncture. It is recommended to just perform gentle massage or acupressure for cancer treatment.
- Symptom’s Acu Points: Bladder cancer/tumor:
- Simazhong (T 88.17), Tongshen (T 88.09), Wanshunyi (T 22.08), Tianhuangfu [Shenguan] (T 77.18), Shuangling (T 11.28)*, Waisanguan (T 77.27), Zhiwu (T 11.26)
- Bone cancer/tumor:
- Bilateral Simashang (T 88.18), Simazhong (T 88.17), Simaxia (T 88.19), Minghuang (T 88.12), Tianhuang (T 88.13), Qihuang {T 88.14), Shuangling (T 11.28)*, Tianhuangfu [Shenguan] (T 77.18), Zhiwu (T 11.26).
- Needle everyday. Bleed HT and LU area below the knee. The more the blood is let out, the better the result.
- Brain cancer/tumor:
- Shangliu (T 55.06), Zhengjin (T 77.01), Zhengzong (T 77.02) with strong stimulation, Yizhong (T 77.05), Erzhong (T 77.06), Sanzhong (T 77.07), Shuangling (T 11.28)*, Zhiwu (T 11.26).
- Bleed dark veins nearby the medial malleolus or Shuijing (T 66.13).
- Bleed before needling for best result.
- Breast cancer/tumor:
- Simashang (T 88.18), Simazhong (T 88.17), Simaxia (T 88.19), Yizhong (T 77.05), Erzhong (T 77.06), Sanzhong (T 77.07), Shuanglongyi (T 77.29)*, Shuanglonger (T 77.30)*, Zhiwu (T 11.26).
- Bleed all dark veins nearby the HT, LU area on the legs [maximum of 150 mL for each time of bleeding].
- Bleed before needling for best result.
- Chondroma:
- Simashang (T 88.18), Simazhong (T 88.17), Dihuang (T 77.19), Renhuang(T 77.21), Tianhuangfu [Shenguan] (T 77.18), Fuyuan (T 11.22), Shuangling (T 11.28), Zhiwu (T 11.26).
- Bleed the affected area.
- Bleed before needling for best result.
- Colon cancer/tumor:
- Sanzhong (T 77.07), Zuwujin (T 77.25), Zuqianjin (T 77.24), Tianhuang (T 88.13), Minghuang (T 88.12), Cesanli (T 77.22), Simazhong (T 88.17), Shuangling (T 11.28)*, Zhiwu (T 11.26).
- Bleed Sihuashang (T 77.08), Sihuazhong (T 77.09), Sihuaxia (T 77.11), Fuchang (T 77.12), or dark veinsnearby.
- Bleed the LU area below the knee. Bleed before needling for best result. The more the blood is let out, the better the effect.
- Fallopian tube cancer/tumor:
- Fuke (T 11.24), Huanchao (T 11.06), Sanzhong (T 77.07), Jiemeiyi (T 88.04), Jiemeier (T 88.05), Jiemeisan (T 88.06), Shuangling (T 11.28)*, Zhiwu (T 11.26). Bleed dark veins nearby Baling (PC 7), Yinxi (HT 6). Bleed before needling for best result. The more the blood is let out, the better the effect.
- Gallbladder cancer/tumor:
- Minghuang (T 88.12), Qihuang (T 88.14), Huozhi (T 88.15), Shuangling (T 11.28)*, Zhiwu (T 11.26)
- Kidney cancer/tumor:
- Tianhuang (T 77.17), Dihuang (T 77.19), Renhuang (T 77.21), Tongshen (T 88.09), Wanshunyi (T 22.08), Shuangling (T 11.28)*, Zhiwu (T 11.26)
- Liver cancer/tumor:
- Minghuang (T 88.12), Tianhuang (T 88.13), Qihuang (T 88.14), Huoying (T 66.03), Tianhuangfu [Shenguan] (T 77.18), Shuangling (T 11.28)*, Zhiwu (T 11.26).
- Needle everyday.
- Lung cancer/tumor:
- Simashang (T 88.18), Simazhong (T 88.17), Simaxia (T 88.19), Linggu (T 22.05), Dabai (T 22.04), Shuangling (T 11.28)*, Waisanguan (T 77.27), Xinchang (T 11.19), Zhiwu (T 11.26).
- Bleed the LU area below the knee. Bleed before needling for best result. The more the blood is let out, the better the effect.
- Lymphatic cancer/tumor:
- Wanshunyi (T 22.08), Yizhong (T 77.05), Erzhong (T 77.06), Sanzhong (T 77.07), Cesanli (T 77.22), Tianhuangfu [Shenguan] (T 77.18), Huoying (T 66.03), Shuangling (T 11.28)*, Zhiwu (T 11.26). Bleed the LU area below the knee. The more the blood is let out, the better the effect.
- Nasal cancer/tumor:
- Linggu (T 22.05), Dabai (T 22.04), Simashang (T 88.18), Simazhong (T 88.17), Simaxia (T 88.19), Fugesan (T 44.30)*, Shuangling (T 11.28)*, Zhiwu (T 11.26).
- Bleed the LU area below the knee.
- Bleed before needling for best result. The more the blood is let out, the better the effect.
- Oral cancer/tumor:
- Bleed Shaoshang (LU 11), Sihuazhong (T 77.09), mouth area, Zhiwu (T 11.26).
- Bleed before needling for best result. The more the blood is let out, the better the effect.
- Osteosarcoma:
- Piyi (T 88.35)*, Pier (T 88.36)*, Simazhong (T 88.17), Tianhuangfu [Shenguan] (T 77.18), Huoying (T 66.03), Fuyuan (T 11.22), Shuangling (T 11.28)*, Zhiwu (T 11.26).
- Bleed around affected area. The more blood that is let out, the better the result.
- Ovarian, uterus, cervix cancer/tumor:
- Fuke (T 11.24), Huanchao (T 11.06), Zhiwu (T 11.26), Shuangling (T 11.28)*, Qimen (T 33.01), Qijiao (T 33.02), Qizheng (T 33.03), Yunbai (T 44.11), Menjin (T 66.05), Waisanguan (T 77.27), Tianhuang (T 77.17), Dihuang (T 77.19), Renhuang (T 77.21), Jiemeiyi (T 88.04), Jiemeier (T 88.05), Jiemeisan (T 88.06), Mufu (T 88.38)*, Tongshen (T 88.09), Tongbei (T 88.11).
- Bleed the dark veins nearby the web between the first and second toes; and the second and third toes. Bleed sacral area with cupping. Bleed before needling for best result. The more the blood is let out, the better the effect.
- Pancreatic cancer/tumor:
- Piyi (T 88.35)*, Pier (T 88.36)*, Pisan (T 88.37)*, Yizhong (T 77.05), Erzhong (T 77.06), Sanzhong (T 77.07), Minghuang (T 88.12), Qihuang (T 88.14), Shuangling (T 11.28)*, Zhiwu (T 11.26)
- Stomach cancer/tumor:
- Cesanli (T 77.22), Waisanguan (T 77.27), Shuangling (T 11.28)*, Zhiwu (T 11.26).
- Bleed dark veins nearby the ST area in the lower limb. Bleed before needling for best result. The more the blood is let out, the better the effect
- Testicular cancer/tumor:
- Dajian (T 11.01), Xiaojian (T 11.02), Waijian (T 11.04), Fujian (T 11.03), Shuangling (T 11.28Y, Zhiwu (T 11.26)
- Throat cancer/tumor:
- Tongguan (T 88.01), Cesanli (T 77.22), Yizhong (T 77.05), Erzhong (T 77.06), Sanzhong (T 77.07), Linggu (T 22.05), Dahai (T 22.04), Sihuashang (T 77.08), Zuqianjin (T 77.24), Zuwujin (T 77.25), Waisanguan (T 77.27), Shuangling (T 11.28)*, Zhiwu (T 11.26).
- Bleed dark veins nearby Shaoshang (LU 11), nine points evenly on the neck, or the back of the neck or the ST channel on the lower limb. Additionally, bleed before needling for best result. The more the blood is let out, the better the effect.
- Thyroid cancer/tumor:
- Xinling (T 33.17)*, Simashang (T 88.18), Simazhong (T 88.17), Simaxia (T 88.19), Waisanguan (T 77.27), Shuangling (T 11.28)*, Zhiwu (T 11.26). Bleed Sihuazhong (T 77.09) and back of the neck. Be sure to bleed before needling for best result. The more the blood is let out, the better the effect.
- Tongue cancer/tumor:
- Cesanli (T 77.22), Houjian (T 44.29)*, Minghuang (T 88.12), Qihuang (T 88.14), Shuangling (T 11.28)*, Zhiwu (T 11.26). Bleed the LU area below the knee. Bleed before needling for best result. The more the blood is let out, the better the effect.
- Vaginal cancer/tumor:
- Fuke (T 11.24), Huanchao (T 11.06), Libai (T 44.12), Yunbai (T 44.11), Sanzhong (T 77.07), Shuangling (T 11.28)*, Zhiwu (T 11.26). Bleed dark veins nearby Doling (PC 7), Yinxi (HT 6). Bleed before needling for best result. The more the blood is let out, the better the effect.
- Terminal cancer:
- Yizhong (T 77.05), Erzhong (T 77.06), Sanzhong (T 77.07), Waisanguan (T 77.27). jjjjj
Balancing Acu Points:
- Left side: Hegu (LI 4), Zusanli (ST 36), Taixi (KI 3), Yinlingquan (SP 9)
- Right side: Lieque (LU 7), Tongli (HT 5), Zusanli (ST 36)
- Left and right side can be alternated from treatment to treatment.
1. Auricular Acupuncture for Cancer Treatment Support
- Fatigue: Sympathetic, Kidney, Liver, Spleen, San Jiao, Anxious, Nervous Subcortex, Speed Recovered Fatigue. Bleed Ear Apex.
- Promoting immunity: Allergic Area, Endocrine, Adrenal Gland, Spleen, Liver. Bleed Ear Apex and Helix 1-6.
2. Oncology massage: 2times/week until recovery
3. Herbal Medicine: MACTS HERB
Bai Hua She She Cao (Herba Hedyotis)
Bai Zhu (Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae)
Ban Zhi Lian (Herba Scutellariae Barbatae)
Chong Lou (Rhizoma Paridis)
Dong Chong Xia Cao (Cordyceps)
E Zhu (Rhizoma Curcumae)
Fu Ling (Poria)
Huang Jing (Rhizoma Polygonati)
Huang Qi (Radix Astragali)
Ji Xue Teng (Caulis Spatholobi)
Xi Yang Shen (Radix Panacis Quinquefolii)
Yi Yi Ren (Semen Coicis)
Take 3 to 4 capsules three times daily. Take on an empty stomach with warm water for maximum effectiveness.
Cancer is the second leading cause of death, according to a report by CDC published in January 11, 2012.
1 In Western medicine, cancer treatment options include surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. Though these treatments may be effective, they are invasive to the body and often cause severe and serious damage to many organs and cells. Therefore, additional interventions are extremely important to alleviate the side effects of these invasive treatments, support the body and its health, and improve the overall quality of life.
CA Support is for individuals who have extreme weakness and deficiency after prolonged battles with cancer. Cancer treatment (chemotherapy and radiation) can be just as harsh as the disease itself. This condition is characterized by both extreme excess. First, cancer is often considered as accumulation of phlegm, heat, and toxins. The second extreme deficiency happens in qi, blood, yin and yang deficiencies caused by chemotherapy and radiation.. Therefore, optimal cancer treatment requires use of herbs to gently clear heat and eliminate toxins, and greatly tonify the underlying deficiencies.
In this formula, Huang Qi (Radix Astragali) and Xi Yang Shen (Radix Panacis Quinquefolii) are both used to greatly tonify qi. Both tonics are light, and have very strong immune-enhancing effects. Though potent, they do not create the general stagnating side-effects associated with tonics. Bai Zhu (Rhizoma Atrac-tylodis Macrocephalae), Fu Ling (Poria), and Yi Yi Ren (Semen Coicis) strengthen the middle jiao, and further enhance the qi-tonifying effect of Huang Qi (Radix Astragali) and Xi Yang Shen (Radix Panacis Quinquefolii).
By strengthening the middle jiao, the digestive system can function properly and appetite will increase. Ji Xue Teng (Caulis Spatholobi) tonifies blood, Huang Jing (Rhizoma Polygonati) nourishes yin, and Dong Chong Xia Cao (Cordyceps) strengthens yang. Together, these herbs tonify and treat the underlying qi, blood, yin and yang deficiencies. Small amounts of E Zhu (Rhizoma Curcumae), Chong Lou (Rhizoma Paridis), Ban Zhi Lian (Herba Scutellariae Barbatae) and Bai Hua She She Cao (Herba Hedyotis) are added to clear heat, relieve pain, and eliminate toxins. These three herbs also have shown promising anticancer effects according to various in vitro and in vivo studies.
2,3 In summary, CA Support is developed specifically to address the difficult and challenging cases of cancer in which the patients are too weak to continue with chemotherapy and/or radiation treatments. Use of this formula will strengthen the underlying constitution, improve quality of life, and decrease pain and suffering.
This formula is not designed to treat cancer, nor is it designed to replace chemotherapy and/or radiation. The focus of this formula is to support patients with cancer who are too weak to continue with chemotherapy and radiation treatments. This formula contains herbs that tonify the underlying
deficiencies to improve quality of life and reduce pain and suffering.
This formula is contraindicated in patients with severe infection or inflammation with excess heat.
Chinese or Korean Ren Shen (Radix et Rhizoma Ginseng) should not be used in individuals who suffer from extreme weakness and deficiency from chemotherapy and radiation treatments. These individuals often have severe yin deficiency, and use of a warm herb [such as Ren Shen (Radix et Rhizoma Ginseng)] may create more side effects such as dry nose and mouth, nosebleeds and ulcerations in the mouth. Therefore, American Xi Yang Shen (Radix Panacis Quinquefolii) will be much more beneficial and is the herb used in this formula instead of Ren Shen (Radix et Rhizoma Ginseng).
- To enhance the immune system and increase white blood cell count, take with Cordyceps mushroom.
- To increase red blood cell count, add Dang Gui Bu Xue Tang (Tangkuei Decoction to Tonify the Blood) or Schisandra
- For hair loss from chemotherapy or radiation, take with Polygonum
- With acute headache, add Corydalin (AC)
- For loose stools because of Spleen deficiency, add Gastrointestinal Tonic.
- With chronic headache, add Corydalin (CR)
- For pain due to cancer, add Herbal ANG.
- For dry skin, add Nourish (Fluids).
- Good Diet:
- Eat a variety of fresh, organic fruits and vegetables of all colors.
- Incorporate more high fiber whole grains and nuts into the diet.
- Drink warm or hot liquids with meals. Putting cold and ice on any part of the body will immediately constrict the flow of blood to that region. Similarly, drinking cold or iced drinks with meals will hinder the natural peristaltic movements of the digestive system.
- Foods with antioxidant effects, such as vitamin A, C and E are beneficial as they neutralize the free radicals and minimize damage to cells. Beneficial foods include citrus fruits, carrots, green leafy vegetables, and green tea.
- Chew food completely and thoroughly. The digestive tract processes and absorbs smaller pieces of food much better than food that is incompletely chewed. Larger pieces of food can lead to incomplete digestion and digestive discomfort.
- Always eat breakfast. According to the TCM clock, the most optimal time for the digestive system is in the morning from 8 to 10 a.m.
- Give the body two to three hours between the last meal of the day and bedtime. During sleep, the digestive system slows down as well. Make sure the body has adequate time to digest the food before going into sleep mode.
- If the patient is allergic to any food or feels uncomfortable after eating certain foods, avoid eating them.
- Avoid fast food, processed foods, junk food, artificial sugars, and carbonated drinks. Stay away from meat, greasy food, alcohol, caffeine, dairy products (except for unsweetened low-fat yogurt), tap water, iron supplements and vegetables and fruits with pesticides.
- For breast cancer treatment, the following foods are especially beneficial: all mushrooms, whole grains, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, yellow/orange vegetables (carrots, pumpkins, squash, sweet potatoes), fresh garlic, onions, fresh berries, apples, cherries, grapes, and plums.
- Ginger relieves nausea. Boil ten slices of ginger for five minutes and mix with brown sugar. Slices of fresh ginger can also be chewed or sucked on for a stronger and immediate effect.
- The Spleen is responsible for generating post-natal qi and good Spleen function also contributes to a healthy immune system.
Avoid Foods that damage the Spleen:
- Bad Diet:
- Avoid any and all foods that contain sugar, such as cake, dessert, candy, chocolate, canned juice, soft drinks, caffeinated drinks, stevia, sugar substitutes, agave, xylitol, and corn syrup.
- Also, avoid raw or uncooked meats, such as sashimi, sushi, steak tartar, and seared meat.
- Minimize consumption of foods that are cooling in nature, including tofu, tomato, celery, asparagus, bamboo, seaweed, kelp, bitter melon, cucumber, gourd, luffa, eggplant, winter melon, honeydew, citrus, oranges, guava, grapefruit, pineapple, plums, pear, banana, papaya, watermelon, white radish, mustard leaf, potherb mustard, Chinese kale, napa, bamboo sprout. Do not eat foods straight from the refrigerator. Long-term intake of cold fruits and vegetables like the ones listed above may be damaging to the Spleen. Add 20 pieces of Gou Qi Zi (Fructus Lycii) to neutralize the cooling properties.
- Avoid carbohydrates like white rice or bread as they may produce dampness.
- No seafood especially shellfish, like crabs, oyster, scallops, clams, lobster and shrimp (they enter the yangming Stomach channel).
- Avoid fermented foods like cheese or fermented tofu.
- Do not eat dairy products, such as milk, cream, yogurt, cheese, and ice cream.
- No lamb, beef, goose or duck.
- Avoid fried or greasy foods.
Warm and hot natured foods that damage qi and yin should be avoided, such as:
- Avoid certain fruits like mango and durian that produce heat spicy foods and stimulants like coffee, alcohol, and energy drinks.
- Stay away from spicy/pungent/aromatic vegetables such as pepper, garlic, onions, basil, rosemary, cumin, funnel, anise, leeks, chives, scallions, thyme, saffron, wormwood, mustard, chili pepper, and wasabi.
- Avoid food and drinks with artificial coloring.
- Consume as few meat products as possible. For example, do not eat processed meats, such as lunch meats, hot dogs and sausages. These foods contain nitrites that are associated with inflammation and chronic disease.
- Patients are encourages to eat millet porridge with dioscorea and poria daily for breakfast. Millet was used for the military traditionally in the past and the present. Additionally, it has high nutritional value, is easy to digest, and extremely beneficial to the Spleen. The millet porridge contains the following
ingredients: millet 100 grams, Shan Yao (Rhizoma Dioscoreae) 50 grams for fresh root or 25 grams for dried root, and Fu Ling (Poria) 25 grams. Cook all ingredients in 4 cups of water. Bring it to a boil for 5 minutes, and simmer on medium fire for 20 minutes. - Consume foods that help strengthen the body so that it is able to fight against the cancer cells. Adopt a detoxifying diet to rid the body of the toxin (cancer cells).
- Blend shiitake or ganoderma mushrooms and white fungus, boil and drink the soup three times daily.
- Boil together mung beans, pearl barley, azuki beans, and figs. This makes a delicious dessert that will aid appetite and sustain energy level.
- Also, make tea from dandelion, burdock, and chrysanthemum flowers; also can add beet tops or carrot tops. Drink this as the regular beverage every day.
- Always wash commercially grown fruits and vegetables in salt water to neutralize chemicals.
- Eat garlic and seaweed, slightly stir-fried in water.
- Drink carrot and celery juice.
- Make blender juice from a mixture of fresh vegetables and drink warm.
- For breast cancer, make tea from asparagus and dandelion and apply poultice to breast.
- For breast tumor, charcoal the pumpkin cap into powder, take one teaspoon of powder in one small glass of rice wine twice daily.
- Make tea from seaweed, peach kernel, and green orange peels.
- For externally visible tumors, make a poultice from seaweed, ginger and dandelion, and apply locally.
- Avoid the following foods – meat (a little fish can be eaten), coffee, cinnamon, anise, pepper, dairy products, spicy foods (except garlic), high fat foods, cooked oils, chemical additives and moldy foods.
- Avoid smoking, stress, and all irritants.
- Avoid radiation from microwaves and limit prolonged exposure to appliances with high electromagnetic output, such as television, computer monitors, electric stoves, cellular phones, and other popular electronic devices.
- Relax, exercise regularly (tai chi chuan [tai ji quan], qi gong or yoga). Maintain a positive outlook on life.
- Avoid consumption of alcohol and exposure to tobacco in any form.
- Avoid stress and anxiety whenever possible. They suppress the immune system, slow down the metabolic process, and foster the development of cancer.
- Avoid wearing tight bras that can cut off lymphatic flow, obstruct elimination of toxins and increase risk of tumor growth.
- Sleep by 10:00 p.m. In TCM, 11:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. is when the yin shifts to yang. It is crucial for the body to be at rest during this time for optimal health.
MACTS is specifically for individuals who have extreme weakness and deficiency after prolonged battles with cancer treatments (chemotherapy and radiation). At this moment, though the patient still has cancer, their constitution is too fragile to continue with chemotherapy and radiation.
Optimal cancer treatment requires use of herbs to suppress the growth of cancer cells while stimulating the production of healthy cells. To achieve this goal, CA Support uses herbs with immunostimulant effects to increase white blood cells, hematopoietic effects to increase red blood cells, and antineoplastic effects to suppress cancer cells. Huang Qi (Radix Astragali), one of the most commonly used herbs, effectively increases white blood cells, multinuclear leukocytes, and of Huang Qi (Radix Astragali) has been shown to restore normal immune system function in 115 patients with leukopenia.6 Furthermore, use of Huang Qi (Radix Astragali) is also associated with a marked hematopoietic effect, as it stimulates the bone marrow and increases the production and maturity of blood cells.7 In addition to Huang Qi (Radix Astragali), CA Support contains many other herbs with immunostimulant effects.
Ji Xue Teng (Caulis Spatholobi) increases both neutrophils and eosinophils after three days of the herbal therapy.8 Ji Xue Teng (Caulis Spatholobi) also has a hematopoietic which stimulates the proliferation of hematopoietic progenitor cells in subjects with bone marrow depression.
9 Dong Chong Xia Cao (Cordyceps) is another herb that has demonstrated immuno¬modulatory functions. Additionally, it enhances the overall immunity by increasing the number of lymphocytes and natural killer cells, and the production of interleukin, interferon and tumor-necrosis-factor. 10,11,12,13,14 Cordysinocan, a polysaccharide isolated from cultured Dong Chong Xia Cao (Cordyceps), activates immune responses in cultured T-lymphocytes and macrophages to signal the cascade and induction of cytokines.15 Bai Zhu (Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae) increases the number of white blood cells, lymphocytes, and IgG, as well as enhancing the activity of macrophages and the reticuloendothelial system.16,17 Chong Lou (Rhizoma Paridis) exerts a stimulating effect on the immune system in relation to phagocytosis, respiratory burst, and nitric oxide production.
18 Finally, Bai Hua She She Cao (Herba Hedyotis) has both immunomodulatory and antitumor effects by stimulating the immune system to kill or engulf tumor cells.19 In addition to strengthening the body, CA Support also incorporates many herbs with antineoplastic effects to fight cancer. Additionally, Ban Zhi Lian (Herba Scutellariae Barbatae) and Bai Hua She She Cao (Herba Hedyotis) have potent antineoplastic effects, and have shown a promising effect to treat various types of cancer according to both in vitro and in vivo studies.20,21 Clinical applications of Ban Zhi Lian (Herba Scutellariae Barbatae) and Bai Hua She She Cao (Herba Hedyotis) include: breast cancer,22,23 liver cancer,24,25 nasopharyngeal cancer,26 colorectal cancer,27 leukemia,28 prostate cancer,29 lung cancer,30 uterine leiomyoma,31 skin cancer,32 and many others.
E Zhu (Rhizoma Curcumae) antineoplastic effect induces apoptosis and inhibits proliferation of human cancer cells. 33,34 Furthermore, it treats stomach, lung, liver, and esophageal cancers. 35 Dong Chong Xia Cao (Cordyceps) is cytotoxic, and shows a significant and dose-dependent inhibitory effect on the proliferation of four cancer cell lines: breast cancer, mouse melanoma, human premyelocytic leukemia, and human hepatocellular carcinoma.
36 Chong Lou (Rhizoma Paridis) is a dose-dependent anticancer effect against lung adenocarcinoma cells,37 human promyelocytic leukemia cells,38 and breast cancer cells. 39 Bai Zhu (Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae) is also inhibitory against esophageal cancer according to several in vitro studies. 40 Yi Yi Ren (Semen Coicis) and Fu Ling (Poria) are antineoplastic, and are generally more effective when combined with other therapies. 41,42 Fastly, E Zhu (Rhizoma Curcumae) and Fu Ling (Poria) have antiangiogenic activity, which inhibit the formation of new blood vessels from a pre-existing vascular network to suppress tumor growth, invasion, and metastasis.43,44
Overall, MACTS Support addresses the difficult and challenging cases of cancer in which the patient is too weak to continue with chemotherapy and radiation treatments. Use of MACTS Support will strengthen the underlying constitution and suppress the growth of cancer cells. In conclusion, MACTS Support is an excellent formula to decrease pain and suffering, and improve quality of life for patients with cancer.
Despite all the advances in medicine, cancer treatment is still in its infancy in both Western and traditional Chinese medicine. Optimal treatment methods may include chemotherapy, radiation, and/or surgery. Though they may be effective, they are extremely harsh and create a tremendous number of side effects, including severe nausea, vomiting, hair loss, and most importantly, bone marrow suppression with decreased count of red and white blood cells. Serious cases of bone marrow suppression often necessitate the termination of chemotherapy and radiation treatments, a scenario where the patient now suffers from both cancer and the side effects of its treatments at the same time.
For patients with cancer who are too weak to receive chemotherapy, radiation, and/or surgery, use of herbal therapies is extremely beneficial to alleviate the side effects of drugs, strengthen the body, and improve overall quality of life. Optimal therapy in cases of cancer is not to choose between Western or traditional Chinese medicine, but to use Western and traditional Chinese medicines together. These two modalities of medicine complement each others, and provide the brightest outlook and prognosis for successful cancer treatment.
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